An alleged R. Kelly victim, Heather Williams, won a $4 million settlement from the r&b singer. Williams will reportedly gain access to and collect her compensation from the singer's royalties held at Sony Music. The lawsuit came after Williams alleged that the singer repeatedly had sex with her when she was underage after offering her a role in one of his videos. The courts ordered that she could collect his music royalties until the $4 million was fully collected. Kelly's attorney is working to appeal the judgment.
The music producer and singer is serving time at Metropolitan Correctional Center in Illinois. Federal prosecutors seized roughly $30,000 from his prison commissary account for his outstanding fines and restitution. The Chicago singer was convicted of child sex crimes, sex trafficking, enticing minors for sex, producing child sexual imagery, and racketeering. He was given a 30-year and 20-year prison sentence, which will run concurrently.